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Participation Opportunities

Feeling useful is a fundamental pre-requisite to feeling happy.  Creating opportunities for active participation within their communities will enrich many. Our Robert Rose Foundation founding Sponsorship of the AFL Victorian wheelchair competition since 2018 is a great example.  We aim to provide further opportunities in other sporting and educational programs.



The Robert Rose Foundation has always been a strong supporter of physical support within the SCI community. Applications for this Funding support requires the advice and assistance of a professional medical practitioner, physiotherapist, or occupational therapist etc.



Mental Health Support

Spinal injured are five times more likely to commit suicide with incidence of depression or trauma being a major problem. This is an area desperately in need of funds.  We wish to continue to support the counselling program provided with Independence Australia to this community and provide additional assistance to existing “buddie”, peer to peer programs.

Attending Independence Australia's Incomplete SCI Support Group has allowed me to find like minded people with the same challenges who could relate to my situation. Getting ideas of how to achieve daily life challenges and expectations has been a great outcome for me. Never knew how much you can achieve in a wheelchair

David Tymms

Bobinwarrah, Victoria

The support and funding that the Robert Rose Foundation provides is vital to enable us to deliver a range of programs that seek to meet the mental health needs of the Victorian SCI community. Many of the clients with spinal injuries we see at Independence Australia present in crisis with clinical levels of anxiety and depression in the extremely severe range. In many cases their mental health issues are related to deterioration in the physical health due to repeated infections, pressure injuries or pain. Without the support to our service from the Robert Rose Foundation we could not devote the resources we do to service delivery and development to support the mental and physical health of people living with spinal injuries

Dr Andrew Sinclair, Manager of Psychology

Independence Australia, Footscray, Victoria

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Respite Grants

The Robert Rose Foundation supports those with Spinal Cord Injuries and their families with funding respite opportunities, enabling carers and the persons cared for, an opportunity to take a short-term break.

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